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LED Lighting Today for a Greener Future
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With growing energy costs and concerns for our environment, it is clear change is needed.  There can be significant change when it comes to lighting and how much energy is consumed.
You have to look no further than the office buildings which have fluorescence lights on during and after working hours.  After working hours, these lights are left on for a variety of reasons, for example a city skyline at night.  
Vivid Bright sees a future where we can still have lights left on, but with considerably reduced energy consumption with the use of LEDs. Thus saving money and helping preserve our environment by reducing energy demand.
How to Save on Lighting
Why LEDs Save You Money

Less energy consumption compared to incandescent, halogen and fluorescence bulbs (5-25 Watts LED compared to 32-120 Watts depending on bulb type)

Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) produce high light output using lower power and provide up to 33 times longer life span (compared to incandescent bulbs)

Less maintenance due to their higher life span.  This reduces the intervals in which a light bulb is replaced
Who Can Benefit from LEDs?

Office Buildings

Commercial Real Estate


Educational Institutions

Roadway Lights

Exterior Ambient Lighting


Anywhere lights are used!